I'm going to stop doing weekly posts, because not much happens in a week with me OR the development of the baby at this point. Basically, she is just getting bigger and bigger!
I wish I had more interesting things to write, but we did have some exciting things happen the past 3(ish) weeks.
-Last night we went and registered at Babies R Us! It was the funnest thing I've probably ever done! I was so surprised we were done in less than 2 hours. The list of things you need for a baby is quite overwhelming, but I think we listed everything we need.

We finally agreed on a crib bedding set & accessories-I'm pretty in love, it's so elegant and I love the dusty rose pink color, instead of the typical baby pink. This is what our nursery should look somewhat, just imagine it with a white crib!

-I finally broke 120 pounds! Yay. That's a first in my life, lol.
-Steve's cousin Ronda gave us her kids old pack n' play, a jogging stroller, little kid potties, a diaper genie, & plenty of other goodies and must haves. It's so nice knowing so many people that are done having kids :) Thanks Ronda!
-We've done pretty well about not splurging on baby stuff, but every now and then I'll see a really cute bow or flower and I'll snatch it up.
-Doctors appts have been going well but uneventful, no ultrasounds or fun stuff. Just a quick tummy measurement, urine sample, weighing, blood pressure, and done! No news is always good news however :)
-I may have had my first braxton hicks contraction. I felt a really strong tightening in my abdomen that lasted for a few seconds, then it went away. It happened a few times that day, and sometimes were so painful I had to go lay down. Thank goodness I wasn't at work!
-I think that's all for the past few weeks. My bump is getting quite big, I have some pictures that I will post on here, I will try when I get home from work!