Raspberry baby!
How cute are you! On an email I got this week, it also said you are the size of a gummy bear, but that seemed a little weird to me so we will stick with the raspberry! I can't wait until your next appointment on Tuesday, I get to have ANOTHER picture of you, and you will be a little bigger (I hope), and hopefully your heart is still beating strongly. I have a good feeling it is though, because you have made me sooo sick this week. You are like a little parasite, sucking away all my energy and nutrients. You can take anything you need, you are totally worth it.
This week, your little webbed fingers and toes are starting to poke out, and eyelids almost cover your whole eyes! Your little "tail" is almost gone, thank goodness, cause reading that made me feel like we conceived a tadpole for a while there. Anyways, you are an angel baby for the most part so far, thanks for giving momma LOTS of symptoms so she won't worry too much.
How am I feeling? Still nauseous day and night, still napping on the daily, and still feeling dizzy. I can handle that though, I know some women that are puking all day, so I could definitely be worse off.

Wore the wrong shirt to show baby belly progress, but didn't feel like changing!
You're so cute Lisa! Love this blog! :)
ReplyDeleteI love it too. And it's perfect for wives like me who are afraid of pregnancy. Reading this helps me to know what to expect when my time comes!! You're looking beautiful and I can't wait to read next week's post!!