Thursday, July 15, 2010

{seven weeks}

My little blueberry,

You have doubled in size once again! First off, I wanted to thank you sooo much for showing your cute little blobby self on the ultrasound on Monday, and beating your heart nice and strong! Your picture is hanging on our fridge, the screensaver of my phone, and screensaver on our computer. You are quite the celebrity these days, and we truly can't wait to meet you. Hopefully we get to find out what you are in 9 weeks, when you are 16 weeks old. We might even go to a special place that does really early gender scans to find out what you are before Kaiser will let us know. We will splurge for you anyday :)

This week you are developing the color of your eyes..crazy! Will you have your daddy's beautiful deep green eyes? (I hope I hope!) or mama's brownie colored eyes? You will be adorable either way! Who knows, maybe you will even get blue eyes, which are popular in Steve's family. When I picture you, I picture you with really dark hair and really light eyes. :)


Your mommy

**Belly pic to come, Steve hasn't been home today to take it**


  1. Excited for the belly picture!!

  2. Wow! How true was that!! Well, not super dark hair :)
    "When I picture you, I picture you with really dark hair and really light eyes."
