I can't believe you have been growing for 11 weeks! We are one week away from the end of the first trimester, the huge milestone for which I have been holding my breath since the very beginning of your dear, little life. I have been quite skiddish with this pregnancy, after having my miscarriage, but I'm glad to say the "statistical" miscarriage time frame is coming to an end.
This week you are nearly 2.5 inches, the size of a lime! I could hold you in the palm of my hand. Your nail beds are forming--you have skin--and even hair follicles! Such big stuff. Keep on growing and getting cuter :)
So yesterday I fainted while getting ready. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet (I usually don't eat it until I'm at work), and I started feeling funny. Good thing I have fainted several times before and know what to expect! I told Steve I knew I was going to faint and next thing I know he had laid me on the couch. I have no idea what I would have done if he wasn't there! I guess from now on I need to wake up and get straight to the kitchen to eat! Other than that, the nausea is slowly going away! Woohoo! I get to hear your little heartbeat Tuesday, which I am thrilled about! And only 26 days until I find out your gender..too many things to be excited about!
I love you, you little lime you.

I swear I'm usually not this white, but this is the day I fainted so I was a little pale. Oh and don't ask why I'm facing two different ways. I'll blame Steve!
Yay 26 days is nothing but it will feel like an eternity!! It felt soo much longer waiting the last month to know the sex of Becca's baby than it did the last month before she was going to give birth. I am so excited to hear if you're having a boy or a girl. =]
ReplyDeleteYou don't look white, you still look super tan!!!