Tuesday, August 24, 2010

{twelve weeks}

I thought this day would never come, really! (Actually it came about four days ago, but I've been too tired to post!) I have been waiting to say I was done with the first trimester for months and months. I know technically the end of this week is really the second trimetser, but this is good and close enough to me!

So exciting stuff: I heard your PERFECT heartbeat last Tuesday. My N.P. said you sound like a boy, and estimated the heart rate to be about 145 bpm! (Apparently the slower the heart rate, the bigger chance it's a boy) I asked her if that was just an old wive's tale, and she said it is, but it is sometimes statistically true. So I get all excited of course and start looking at little boy nursery ideas just for fun. I had bought a cheapie doppler on amazon.com so I could hear my little plum's heartbeat whenever I wanted, and I wanted to see if she was right about the 145 bpm, and ummm, I think she was way off! Every time I have used the doppler, it has always been above 155 (which according to online is in the "girl" range). Anyways, yes I know it's probably all a myth, but it's still fun to think about!

More about you: You have shifted into the growth and maturation stage! After weeks of critical development, almost all of your systems are fully formed. Wow. Now all you have to do is grow, grow grow!! I'd like you to be a bit bigger than a plum when you join the world, okay? You can now move spontaneously, suck your thumb, and even get hiccups! How cute.

About mama: I finally feel like I'm getting out of that ugly pooch stage, and my baby bump is becoming more hard instead of, soft and mushy. Which is completely fine with me! I've started a pregnancy workout dvd, and it feels SOOO good to work out. It's definitely harder to work out than it used to be, but it's supposed to keep the baby healthier, labor easier, and make it easier to "bounce back" after the baby is born, although I have said my sweet goodbyes to my 25 inch waistline, cause I don't expect that to come back. ;)

It's such a big week for us. I love knowing you are nestled safely in my tummy and with me all the time. I love protecting you and changing my life and habits to accomodate you.

You are the best thing I've had a hand in making.

Your mama!

**Baby bump picture to come soon, I'm at work right now :)**


  1. Sigh, I so look forward to your weekly updates. I can't wait to watch you grow more =D

  2. I love that you read my blog! ;D Can't wait til I'm reading YOURS someday hehehe

  3. I'm excited for the picture! Yay 12 weeks!
