Love Bucket,
Weeks are flying by and you are getting so OLD! You are roughly the size of an onion--over 5 inches long from crown to rump. This week your unique fingerprints develop. That's a pretty exciting milestone because you are beginning to become your own little person in there. I can't wait to get to know you.
I have been feeling really good lately. Not sick, as long as I keep on eating, I have a little more energy than usual, I'm able to get out of bed without rolling out of it like a mommy zombie, and overall I just feel like a normal person. I was wondering if I'd ever feel that way again! Don't get me wrong, I don't look like I used to! I've only gained about 4 pounds, and it's all belly! People can't really tell I'm pregnant probably, but I'm starting to look like it I think. I hope. :)
A lot of people ask me if I'm scared of labor. But right now, I'm honestly not! I'm sure I will be later once it's closer, I tend to not get nervous about things until I'm right there in the situation. But you know what I am terrified of for some reason?

Haha, it sounds so silly to be so scared of it. But it's a big goal of mine I want to achieve-and I've known so many that have given up fast on it because it was too hard, or their milk didn't come in, or stuff like that. I will do everything I can to keep with it! I know it's the best thing I can feed Aubrey and I want that mother-baby bond that goes with it. I just know it's very hard for new moms. Plus I might be working a few days a week, and I will have to pump or something on my lunch breaks. Terrifying! And let me tell you, I will NOT be one of those moms that pop their boob out in public. I will have my dainty little hooter hider (like the adorable mom shown above) Anyways, just some thoughts. What are your thoughts on nursing? Is it as hard as it looks? Is it worth it to stick with it? Do you not like nursing, and prefer formula? What about nursing/formula combo? Tell me everything! I love hearing from moms.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding is a great and wonderful thing that you can do for your baby girl. It may be difficult or it just might come naturally to you! I took a breastfeeding class through mercy san juan and I loved it! It really helped me! So it is just a thought! It made me feel more prepared. The only thing I would suggest is fork out the money for a good breast pump! You need one! It just means another trip to the baby store! good luck and let me know if you need anything! You will do great!
The breastfeeding is totally up to you. If you really want to do it you can. There is a small percentage of women that cannot for various reasons, but don't feel like a failure if you are not able to. You will be a great mom no matter what. If you stress over it though, you won't be able to do it. The babies sense stress...so relax:) It does take some getting used to and can be painful in the beginning, but it will only be temporary. I second Ashley's advice about the breast pump. I had to work and go to school when I had Luke, I bought one of the expensive Medela ones (it was in around 250, I think) and it was worth EVERY penny. I even used it with Noah in the beginning, because I was making too much milk.
ReplyDeleteThe above advice is great! I'm a big supporter of breastfeeding, but there are those mom's who don't produce enough milk or their baby is allergic to their milk. If you really want to breast feed stick with it and don't give up. I remember one night just crying because I was trying to nurse William and I couldn't get him to latch on and I just wanted to give up. Kirk and my mom comforted me, and I decided to stick with it. It was so worth it. Nursing is a big sacrifice though, it takes a lot of time. It is so healthy for your baby though. In the end, just do whatever you feel is best for both you and the baby. I know you'll do whatever is best. Also, if breastfeeding doesn't work out and you decide to use formula, don't ever let anyone put you down for using formula!
ReplyDeleteAlmost forgot...you will be very sore for a few weeks. Make sure to get some cream. I really liked the lansinoh lanolin breast cream. It's more expensive, but it works amazing! And make sure that you feed/pump enough so you don't get a clogged milk duct--that is something SO painful that you do not want to experience!!
ReplyDeleteI hear you girl! More than scary, it can just feel really intimidating. No worries though, you will feel much more prepared as the time grows near. Definitely take a class (if it's not thoroughly covered at your pre-natal class) and ask your OB office if they and/or the hospital have a Lactation Specialist that you can meet with soon after delivery. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to get it myself (make sure Steve is prepared to be 150% supportive, even when it's rough going). But I'll also say that if it doesn't work, it just doesn't work and you are still the BEST Mom for your little one :)
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm not a mom, but I do have an opinion:
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding will give Aubrey nutrients that are specific to HER body and her individual growth. Your body produces milk for her only. And many of the self-made vitamins that your body will make for her don't come in formula. There's nothing wrong with using formula, but personally, I think breastfeeding is healthier starting out.
A warning: I know a lot of moms who give up on nursing because their nipples get raw and it's very painful. There's cream for this to help at first, and it eventually goes away. If you can push through it, you'll be just fine. I know it's embarassing to use the cream, but it really does help (or so I've heard...).
As far as nursing in public, I'm okay with it as long as mom is covered. I'm not cool with just whipping out the boob and letting baby go to town. If Aubrey is hungry, you'll find a good place to feed her, and with your "hooter hider," you won't be gawked at.
Do what you feel is best for your baby. You're her Mommy, you'll know what's right. =)