Dear Aubrey,
I guess I'll start calling you your name. Believe it or not, your daddy came up with this lovely name. This was way back when we were dating, and he just said one day "I want to name our baby Aubrey when we have a girl". I loved it instantly, and every since then, (about 5-6 years ago), that's been your name! Your middle name will be Jane, which I picked myself. I love how it's old fashioned and elegant. You aren't named after anyone or anything, we could never find a family name that we both liked. Sorry guys! :/ But we love your name, and that's what counts. It's special and yours.
This week you are 18 weeks old. So close to the half way point. I plan on celebrating big time on your "hump day", at 20 weeks. I'm thinking white chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling cider, at a park or something, really late at night with your daddy. We like to do romantic things like we're still kids in high school. :)
You are quite mobile these days. NOT that I have felt you yet, but apparently you pass the hours by yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. Your ears are now facing forward and are completely formed, so you can hear me. Your sense of smell, taste, sight and hearing all all developing.
Feel free to give me a little punch or kick this week okay? Don't be shy! If you are anything like your mama, you will be dancing around like crazy the moment you can walk. I can't wait to take you to your first mommy and me ballet class. I'm looking forward to so many experiences with you, although daddy thinks you are going to be a WNBA player. I think not!
**Thanks for everyone's feedback about breastfeeding by the way!**
I want to see pictures of your little baby bump Lisa! :)Strawberries and cider sound delicious :) You guys are my favorite couple!