Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I seem to get more tired and hungry every single day! I'm feeling a little bit more positive the past few days, and the thought of miscarriage is off my mind! I just need to have some patience, July 12th WILL come eventually so I can finally know if this is a healthy pregnancy. It's kind of funny, because as soon as I got my positive pregnancy test, I was thrilled, however I felt like I shouldn't really celebrate until my ultrasound.

I've been reading so many pregnancy books and I have weekly emails sent to me about the baby's growth and what's going on in my body. Can I just say--women's bodies are AMAZING! I think I might get a subscription to a pregnancy magazine, something to look forward to in the mail each month :)

Tomorrow I will be five weeks, and I will post my first belly picture. Although I know I am wayy early and the baby is barely the size of a sesame seed, my uterus has doubled in size and I have much more blood than usual in my body. So no, I definitely don't have a bump yet, but I feel like when I try to suck in, nothing changes. Just like a really bloated feeling all the time. Ohh how I'm savoring each and every small pregnancy symptom as they come.

10 more days until my dr's appt, if you don't count today or that day of course :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

don't you worry.

I'm feeling nervous today. I made the stupid mistake of googling things about chances of having a second miscarriage and stuff like that, and I don't like the results too much. I know I need to stay positive because there is nothing I can do to change anything, and stress isn't good for pregnancy, but it's so hard to fathom the idea of having to miscarry again.

It literally was the worst experience of my life. I haven't been through much in my short 21 years, so that was definitely major, and terrible. I think I did okay with it, I only took off about 2 days of work and I was back and fine. But those 2-3 days going through it were torture. I know miscarriages are very, VERY common, especially in first pregnancies. But honestly, nothing can make you feel better when you are going through it. It's just sad, depressing, and nothing you can do about it but wait.

I wish I could just make the next two weeks zoom by so I could have my appointment and be relaxed and just KNOW! But for now, I will just try my best not to worry and stay positive. And pray, pray pray.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feelin quite POSITIVE!

So today I got my positive pregnancy test! (Yes, I took like 4!) I'm extremely giddy and can't stop smiling, and nothing gets me in a bad mood! (I know, this probably won't last too long) I feel SO incredibly grateful to have gotten pregnant so fast after my miscarriage last March, I know Heavenly Father is aware of me and I have probably said a million prayers of gratitude in my head today!!

As far as the technical stuff: My LMP was 5-24-10, which would mean I am about 4 weeks along. I scheduled my first prenatal visit for exactly 7 weeks. I was born without patience! I'm very anxious to go to this appointment, last 3 times I've been to prenatal appointments I've left crying. I'm hoping and praying this is a healthy, normal pregnancy, but I really do have a good feeling about this one.

I decided to wait to make my "big announcement" until we go for an ultrasound and a baby is seen! So in about 3 weeks approx. is when anyone will be reading this :)

Symptoms: Hungry, alllll day long. Tired, alllll day long. Going to bed earlier and earlier each night. I got a zit today, something that NEVER happens. I was excited and called it my baby zit. (Yes I'm a dork) Other than that, I feel normal, course I'm only one month in.

My estimated due date via March 3, 2011. :D