Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I seem to get more tired and hungry every single day! I'm feeling a little bit more positive the past few days, and the thought of miscarriage is off my mind! I just need to have some patience, July 12th WILL come eventually so I can finally know if this is a healthy pregnancy. It's kind of funny, because as soon as I got my positive pregnancy test, I was thrilled, however I felt like I shouldn't really celebrate until my ultrasound.

I've been reading so many pregnancy books and I have weekly emails sent to me about the baby's growth and what's going on in my body. Can I just say--women's bodies are AMAZING! I think I might get a subscription to a pregnancy magazine, something to look forward to in the mail each month :)

Tomorrow I will be five weeks, and I will post my first belly picture. Although I know I am wayy early and the baby is barely the size of a sesame seed, my uterus has doubled in size and I have much more blood than usual in my body. So no, I definitely don't have a bump yet, but I feel like when I try to suck in, nothing changes. Just like a really bloated feeling all the time. Ohh how I'm savoring each and every small pregnancy symptom as they come.

10 more days until my dr's appt, if you don't count today or that day of course :)

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