Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feelin quite POSITIVE!

So today I got my positive pregnancy test! (Yes, I took like 4!) I'm extremely giddy and can't stop smiling, and nothing gets me in a bad mood! (I know, this probably won't last too long) I feel SO incredibly grateful to have gotten pregnant so fast after my miscarriage last March, I know Heavenly Father is aware of me and I have probably said a million prayers of gratitude in my head today!!

As far as the technical stuff: My LMP was 5-24-10, which would mean I am about 4 weeks along. I scheduled my first prenatal visit for exactly 7 weeks. I was born without patience! I'm very anxious to go to this appointment, last 3 times I've been to prenatal appointments I've left crying. I'm hoping and praying this is a healthy, normal pregnancy, but I really do have a good feeling about this one.

I decided to wait to make my "big announcement" until we go for an ultrasound and a baby is seen! So in about 3 weeks approx. is when anyone will be reading this :)

Symptoms: Hungry, alllll day long. Tired, alllll day long. Going to bed earlier and earlier each night. I got a zit today, something that NEVER happens. I was excited and called it my baby zit. (Yes I'm a dork) Other than that, I feel normal, course I'm only one month in.

My estimated due date via whattoexpect.com: March 3, 2011. :D

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