Friday, August 27, 2010

{thirteen weeks}

Ohh how I love peaches! I was so excited to see you were the size of a peach! I just wrote my 12 weeks blog about 3 days ago, so it feels funny writing so soon, but I love knowing we've made it another week. Weeks are really starting to fly by, now that we're not in the scary part of pregnancy.

You are nearly three inches this week. Your teeth and vocal cords are forming, although I'm thankful that they are not functional at this point. :) The size of your tiny body is slowly but surely catching up with the size of your head, and from now on you'll just concentrate on getting bigger.

So I'm going to admit an embarrassing secret! There is a test on the market these days called Intelligender. It is a first morning urine test that is supposedly 80% accurate in predicting whether you are a boy or a girl. I caved and bought the test even though I told myself I wasn't going to. If the test is accurate, you are a little boy! Although I know there's a chance it could be wrong, I'm still so thrilled and excited at what you MIGHT be. :) Daddy & I don't agree on anything boy--names, nursery ideas, anything! We will hopefully find out for sure what you are two weeks from today, at a place called Sonotech in Roseville. They can see you much earlier than the usual 20 weeks, and they even give you a dvd and 10 pictures. Much better than what Kaiser has to offer!!

No matter what you are, we are so excited to have you in our arms! Whether you are wrapped in a pink or a blue blanket, we have always wanted more than one of each gender so we are thrilled to take whatever! If only they did 13 week gender ultraounds ;)



  1. Awww my friend just found out she's having a little boy too! I want a boy first too :) Either way will be awesome! Can't wait to hear for sure what you're having! =]

  2. And the next time you see your baby it will look like a full on baby! That AMAZED me! In your last photo you could definitely see a baby, but Becca's ultrasound went from Summer just being a round peanut to a full on baby girl! It was the most awesome thing ever!!! :)

  3. Love, Mom. That just got me lisa... You're going to be (technically to me already are) A mom. :) How beautiful! Heavenly Father is probably sending you a boy just so it'll take you and Steve longer to figure out everything that way you're not just sitting a waiting :)

  4. so cute! I loved going to the grocery store and holding the "food item" that my baby was that week :)

    and another fun thing I did was look up on YouTube ultrasounds of other babies that were the same week as I was :)

  5. Looooooove the new pictures!!!!
