Friday, July 30, 2010

{2nd ultrasound appt}

Our beautiful little girl/guy at 8w4d! The appointment was just so incredible, it's grown so much in just two weeks! The doctor said everything is progressing great, and next visit we get to hear the heartbeat with a doppler! Our little "it" was swimming around the whole time and waving at us. Soo cute!

Thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog! I love you guys for reading it and being excited for me :)

{nine weeks}

My sweet little olive,

Congratulations! Today you graduate from an embryo to a fetus! You are already growing up so fast :( You are well on your way to being a full fledged baby! You may be the tiniest little thing, but you sure have found a huge place in your mom and dad's hearts.

You are now an inch long. Your eyes, previously open, will now close and become covered with a membrane lid until you are about 28 weeks old. Enjoy your nice, long sleep..I wish I could join you, I could certainly use a 5 month nap! Your muscles are beginning to form and you make lots of tiny involuntary movements. I can't wait to be able to feel you boppin' around in there. Your facial features are becoming more developed this week as well. I wonder if you will have my high cheekbones, or perhaps daddy's luscious lips? This weel is when sex characteristics begin to assert themsevles (although an ultrasound won't be able to detect specific sex organs quite yet) I am so excited to find out if you are a boy or a girl.

I think about you every day. At this point it's difficult to picture what you look like, but just the idea of you makes Daddy and I the happiest we've ever been in our lives.

All my love,

Friday, July 23, 2010

{eight weeks}

Raspberry baby!

How cute are you! On an email I got this week, it also said you are the size of a gummy bear, but that seemed a little weird to me so we will stick with the raspberry! I can't wait until your next appointment on Tuesday, I get to have ANOTHER picture of you, and you will be a little bigger (I hope), and hopefully your heart is still beating strongly. I have a good feeling it is though, because you have made me sooo sick this week. You are like a little parasite, sucking away all my energy and nutrients. You can take anything you need, you are totally worth it.

This week, your little webbed fingers and toes are starting to poke out, and eyelids almost cover your whole eyes! Your little "tail" is almost gone, thank goodness, cause reading that made me feel like we conceived a tadpole for a while there. Anyways, you are an angel baby for the most part so far, thanks for giving momma LOTS of symptoms so she won't worry too much.

How am I feeling? Still nauseous day and night, still napping on the daily, and still feeling dizzy. I can handle that though, I know some women that are puking all day, so I could definitely be worse off.

Wore the wrong shirt to show baby belly progress, but didn't feel like changing!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

7 week baby bump

Is it just me or am I growing at quite a fast pace for being so early in the pregnancy? This is me before dinner, not pushing out! 5 weeks ago my waist measured at a petite 25 in. It is now a solid 30 in. at 7 weeks 3 days! I'm not complaining, I'm all about the baby bump! :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Symptoms & more Symptoms

I can't really complain about all the symptoms I've gotten the past week...I was the one that wanted them! I was so worried of how un-pregnant I felt that I literally prayed that I would feel more pregnant, and boy, were my prayers answered this past week!

1.) I thought I was tired the past month. No. I didn't know what tired was until this week. I literally cannot get out of bed in the morning sometimes. I've been late to work almost every day this week, and I take a nap every single night when I get home from work. Working full time does a number on a pregnant woman.

2.) Nausea! I threw up for the first time on Monday. I wasn't sure if it was just nerves due to my appointment, but after the appointment the nausea continued and is still here to this day. I haven't thrown up since, but if I ever go without food too long I feel rather pukey. Again, I prayed for it so I can't complain lol.

3.) Dizzy! I'm not sure if I'm anemic or what, but every time I get up from laying/sitting down, I have to do so verry slowly, or I'm afraid I'm going to pass out. This is quite tricky at work, when I have to rush to the back to tell a doctor/assistant an urgent message. It's quite a process, but hopefully it will soon pass.

4.) You already probably saw my breast augmentation blog, but my goodness..I never thought I'd see the day when I fill out a B-cup bra! I know this is still considered very small, but when you have a been an A-cup your whole life, you can only imagine the excitement I am feeling right now! :)

5.) Sense of smell--this one kind of goes a long with the nausea, but I can smell someone's bad breath from across a room I swear! Also, a patient came in that had just smoked a cigarette, and I was helping them, and I literally had to take a big step back and put my hand over my nose. They probably thought I was so rude, but hey, I think they are rude for smoking!

That's all the new ones this week, who knows what more this pregnancy will bring! :)

{seven weeks}

My little blueberry,

You have doubled in size once again! First off, I wanted to thank you sooo much for showing your cute little blobby self on the ultrasound on Monday, and beating your heart nice and strong! Your picture is hanging on our fridge, the screensaver of my phone, and screensaver on our computer. You are quite the celebrity these days, and we truly can't wait to meet you. Hopefully we get to find out what you are in 9 weeks, when you are 16 weeks old. We might even go to a special place that does really early gender scans to find out what you are before Kaiser will let us know. We will splurge for you anyday :)

This week you are developing the color of your eyes..crazy! Will you have your daddy's beautiful deep green eyes? (I hope I hope!) or mama's brownie colored eyes? You will be adorable either way! Who knows, maybe you will even get blue eyes, which are popular in Steve's family. When I picture you, I picture you with really dark hair and really light eyes. :)


Your mommy

**Belly pic to come, Steve hasn't been home today to take it**

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My ultrasound was wonderful! There is a baby with a heartbeat, everything I've always wanted to see on an ultrasound!! I cried, I laughed, I squeezed Steve's hand, and it was p u r e bliss.

Here's our very first picture of our sweet baby. It's heartbeat was around 120-130, which the dr said is on the lower side, which hints towards a boy :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

six weeks.

My sweet "pea",

I can't believe you are six weeks old today! You are literally the size of a pea, my sweet pea! This week you have made mommy feel so tired, by the time she finishes getting ready for work in the morning she is ready for a nap!

We are less than 1 week away from seeing you for the first time. I'm so excited to see you as a blob pulsing with a heartbeat on a screen, you are so much more than a blob to me and your daddy :) I hope you are as healthy as ever and the doctor can find you quickly.

You are growing like crazy this week. You are about 10,000 times the size you were at conception, you are a GENIUS BABY! You are growing eyes, ears, nose cheeks, and have little hands and feet, webbed like a frog. Your heart is growing rapidly as well--please make sure it's loud and clear for Monday's appointment.

I love your little beating heart so much it hurts.


No growing still, just bloated as ever :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


Did someone sneak into my house last night and perform breast augmentation on me?

I could get used to this!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

5 weeks.

Dear Little One,

You are 5 weeks old today! Well, you’ve been growing for 5 weeks, but we didn’t even know about you until last week. As you will know when you are old enough, we worked very hard to create you. You’ll never wonder if you were unexpected or a mistake; I hope you will always know how much we loved you before you even existed!

Although you are no bigger than an appleseed and don’t look like much more than a tadpole right now, you are already starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). You are already the most amazing thing I’ve ever created.

In 1 1/2 weeks we have your first ultrasound. I can’t wait to see a picture of you and make sure that everything’s progressing the way that it should. In the meantime, it’s very hard not to worry about you. You’re no bigger than an appleseed and I already want to protect you more than anything.

So, have a great week in there! I love you and I can’t wait to watch you grow.

All the love in the world,


Mama's already bloated belly at 5 weeks.